Road Tested: Jergens Natural Glow

As someone who grew up spending her summers at the pool as a swim team coach and lifeguard, I had a beautiful tan that lasted well into the fall season. As someone who now spends the majority of her summer days inside an office working, I no longer have the luxury of basking in the sun. (I'm also not that interested in getting skin cancer, truth be told.)
Enter: Jergens Natural Glow. A friend told me about this miracle product when she heard (gasp!) I was using a tanning booth to get some color this summer since I wasn't hitting the beach as often as I had hoped. In the summer months I used the one designated for medium skin tones and I used it all over my body. How psyched was I to get insta-tan?!?! Now that it's December, I've switched to the lighter version, designed for fair skin tones, and use it just on my face.
It moisturizes as well as delivers a little bit of color which is all I need right now. The intensity reaches its peek after about one week of use if used daily. In my opinion, it leaves the faintest of faint odors (definitely not like the majority of self-tanners) for a few lingering seconds but then it disappears. A $6 drugstore purchase that you will incorporate into your daily routine for sure.
What a GREAT idea! I too used this product into the fall. I never thought of going a shade lighter for the winter. It is snowing now, but when the flakes stop, I'm out to the store.
I love this product too!
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