Add This To My To Buy List: 1 item from Luella Bartley's Target collection

I will admit, most of the items I've seen so far from the Luella Bartley collection produced for Target are pretty scary looking to me. They are just so '80s that only pre-teens will be able to pull them off. Black mini skirts with neon trimmed ruffles, tartan plaid strapless prom-like dresses, etc. may offer a pop of spunk to any spring wardrobe, but inexpensive fabrics and poor construction just won't fly on anyone over 14 without looking cheap.
However, I did spot one dress that I think would be a fun $29 investment, even if I only wore it once. The shirt dress, seen here as photographed in this month's Shop Etc, could be tres cute, yes? Now only if my Target carried it (which of course, they probably won't, for some reason) or it was available online (which of course, it currently isn't, for some reason).
Oooo, I love this style! (I actually love the shoes even more.)
I have found and purchased a similar dress to this one at H & M, $32.
They had a vareity of neutral colors and the same shirt tail style.
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