A Modern Girl's Guide To Etiquette...and Fish House Punch

Whether or not you're into the costume aspect of Halloween, nothing beats a good party with a festive cocktail to celebrate and toast all of the ghouls and goblins in your life. Even better is enjoying a drink with an intriguing name. Enter: Fish House Punch (yes, you read correctly). Rum, cognac and peach brandy = yum. It's got an orange-ish tint to suit the traditional orange-and-black holiday theme, so, something this divine deserves to be served with equally fantastic color-coordinated coasters. Visit Two Social Graces for the recipe details and additional tips for being fabulously informed and etiquette-enlightened in today's modern world.
Utility Home coasters, set of 16 disposable coasters for $10 or 2 sets for $18.
These coasters are to die for!!
I love the bright colors and playful patterns. They really dress up the table, whether it be for yourself or guests- these coasters make you feel special.
These coasters are very durable.
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